Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Pekalongan in Present day

Nowdays, Pekalongan have experienced of development become two region, that is Municipality of Pekalongan and Regency of Pekalongan.

1. Municipality of Pekalongan
Head of governance : Mr. Dr. Basyir Akhmad
Proxy head of governance : Mr. H. Abu Almafachir

1. Geographical position
Geographical position between 6 - 50' 44 is" transversal of south and 109 - 37' 55" till 109 - 42' 19" East longituade, and also have fictious co-ordinate to 510.000 - 518.000 lengthwise km and 517.875 - 526.75 athwart km. Wide of area of Pekalongan equals to 45,25 km2, administratively consists of 4 district and 46 sub-district. Area of Pekalongan have mean rain climate 2.189 mm / year.

2. Growth of economics
Economics of municipality in Pekalongan is growing rapidly enough started from PDRB about 42%/ year. Especial Contributor economic sector of PDRB (Produk Domestik Regional Bruto) is middle and big industry and also wholesale and at retail. Supporter of economic medium among others walke as long as 115.222 km, 10 market unit, 10 unit banking of private sector and state, available and also of electrics, clean water and telecommunications.

2. Regency of Pekalongan
Head of governance : Ms. Hj. Siti Qomariyah, MA
Proxy head of governance : Mr. Ir. H. Wayudi Pontjo Nugroho, MT

1. Geographical position
Regency of Pekalongan geographically located in north coast wise [at] 109 - 109°78' longitude east and between 6 - 7°23' regional paralel south broadly 836,13 km², administratively consist of 19 district. Mean rainfall per year 2.950 mm with rain day mean 157 day. High rainfall happened in district of Lebakbarang mean per year 5.551 mm, condition of land pursuant to wide of Regency area of Pekalongan 83.613,103 hectare. which consist of rice field land 26.082,454 hectare or 31,25%, dry land 57.484,781 hectare ( 68,75%).

2. Growth of economics
Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Pekalongan's regency increases 10,72 % or Rp 5,06 trillion on year 2007 for price apply than years 2006 as big as Rp 4,57 trillion. Meanwhile constant price settle, PDRB is year 2007 as big as Rp 2,83 trlyun, worked up 4,43% than years 2006 as big as Rp 2,71 trillion.
For perkapita's income year 2007 as big as Rp. 4. 882. 280, worked up 9,61% appealed by years 2006 as big as Rp 4.454.203.
Years indigent population 2007 as big as 190.000 souls or 21,13% of populations, experiencing decrease was appealed by year 2006 as much 207.644 souls or 23,29%.

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